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The key to gain customer loyalty in these unusual times is to provide consistent, satisfying customer experiences. A single outstanding experience may catch a customer’s attention, but it won’t win his loyalty until it becomes a norm. A customer is always looking for someone he can trust, and a consistent reputation of the past always gains trust. But what exactly does it mean to deliver consistent customer experiences during these unparalleled times?

We will explain below how brands can use data insights to provide consistent, satisfying customer experiences to gain their loyalty.

Flexibility & Firmness Wins Customer’s Loyalty = Consistency + Empathy:

When choosing a brand to do business with, a customer looks for the brand’s dependability and trustworthiness. He wants assurances that the brand they are going to choose values them. A consistent level of satisfying customer experiences increases customer loyalty and makes them feel valued.

Companies need to ensure that all their channels combine effectively to give the customers a sense that they are valued. The way a customer is treated on the website or IVR must show the customers they are being respected. A fragmented and awkward experience feels unempathetic and could fend off the customer.

Now, how to link-up these experiences? Let’s take an example of a retailer who could have his associates to get in touch with the customers in-store via chat or a phone call to tell them about their e-commerce store. The associate could assist the customers in filling their basket at checkout and direct them to the online channels where they can securely enter their payment information.

The reason it is an excellent example of a satisfying experience is:

ENTERPRISING: The retailer foresaw customer needs and got in touch with him. This indicated the proactiveness of the retailer to provide a ‘WoW’ experience.

USER-FRIENDLY: The company’s e-commerce store was already attached to the customer care channel, making it easier for the customer and reducing his effort. This customer won’t forget this user-friendly experience.

CUSTOMIZED: The associate’s assistance merged the human touch with the correct degree of automation (allowing customers to pay through a secure payment portal).


Having a plan to discover the blind spots is essential in providing this kind of unified experience. Having front-line customer care representatives offers great help to the customers. Customers are often surprised by the amount of rich information they get from these front-line representatives. They receive great insights upon engaging with them. It’s astounding to know that after all this, they are frequently overlooked.

Teaming up with customer service associates to plan a complete customer scenario is a great way to use existing resources to progress in today’s world where customer’s expectations are always increasing and budgets are tight. There are several ways to collect the insights, like organizing a weekly meeting with 5 to 10 customer care associates and implementing speech analytics tools to detect and analyze customer’s behavior and interaction in real-time based on observations of those associates.


To gain an in-depth customer understanding, using customer care teams’ insights can prove to be very fruitful. But it’s only one part of acquiring customer insights as customer profiles can change rapidly.

To deal with the right customer with the right message and at the right time, it’s essential to know what the customer looks like. This can be done by creating predictive models that determine what the customer needs and what they want. Analyzing search terms and behavioral data helps understand what’s going on in the customer’s mind. That can help in interpreting what they want and, more importantly, what they might like. It is of utmost importance to understand the customer’s sales cycle to deliver the right message at the right time.

For many consumers and even some clients, workplace and store cleanliness and brand values are of great concern. Keeping in mind the rapidly changing expectations, it is crucial to know which KPIs to use to compute success and what describes the lifetime value of a customer. Research shows purchasing experience is the main factor in driving customer loyalty, but answers vary for different companies.

Customers are looking to get in touch with well-informed employees in search of value as well as empathy. They anticipate your company recognize their journey with your product and give them direction based on what they need.

That brings us to our starting point that delivering a consistently satisfying customer experience means providing it equally good if not better every time, so if you want your customer to revert back to you, the best key is to make them happy every time and deliver the quality work, with every channel of Communication. The-Connections can surely delivery the quality work for you.

To know more, please contact us or chat with us….

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